Graphic Design Portfolio



When information is paired with a visual it is much more likely to evoke emotion, keep the audience engaged, and result in information retention.

try again2.jpg
Kara Iphone Mockup.png

Social Media

Effective content supports brand recognition and connects a target audience with the business and services.


Digital & Print Assets

As users move from print touchpoints to digital screens, we must anticipate how projects will work with both print and digital screens.

Muju Catalog.jpg
lung cancer.jpg
2020 website images_Page_1.jpg
3 iPhoneX - EMAIL - Mockup.jpg
square with curves copy-min.png

Brand identity is more than just a logo

Connecting with the right audience with visuals, values, and personality to amplify brand awareness, loyalty, and trust.

See additional concepts here.

See additional concepts here.

try again.jpg

Corporate marketing
and production

Conveying the vision and story through layout, typography, imagery, and infographics to paint the full picture.

Corbin Capital.png
205 E 42.jpg
Durst Preferred.jpg
205 E 42 Factsheet.jpg
i-sales newsletter 2019 copy.png
Miranda White min.png

Packaging the visual and physical brand

Whoever said “you can’t judge a book by its cover” never studied the consumer habits as they shop with their eyes. Packaging must be consistent with the brand and catch your target audience’s aesthetic, taste, and desires.

Tea Tox sm copy.png
HD PXL Polish.jpg
2020 website images_rgb.jpg

Keep it simple
Keep it consistent

Keeping all touchpoints consistent makes the business easier to remember and recognize.

Always keep the consumer in mind, after all, they determine the success of the business.

Cheri Cakes.png